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drop table if exists raena_analytics.monthly_sold_product;
create table raena_analytics.monthly_sold_product
select brand_name , brand_page_url ,
sum(product_sold) product_sold
select *
from raena_spider_management.rce_brand
) rceb
left join
select *
from raena_spider_management.rce_product
) rcep on rcep.rce_brand_id = rceb.id
where product_sold is not null and brand_name is not null and brand_name != ''
group by brand_name, brand_page_url
order by sum(product_sold) desc;
drop table if exists raena_analytics.avg_sold_product;
create table raena_analytics.avg_sold_product
select distinct brand_name , brand_page_url ,
avg(ratings) avg_ratings
select *
from raena_spider_management.rce_brand
) rceb
left join
select *
from raena_spider_management.rce_product
) rcep on rcep.rce_brand_id = rceb.id
where ratings is not null and brand_name is not null and brand_name != ''
group by brand_name, brand_page_url
order by avg(ratings) desc;
drop table if exists raena_analytics.total_sold_product;
create table raena_analytics.total_sold_product
select brand_name , brand_page_url ,
sum(product_sold_total) product_sold_total,
sum(product_sold) product_sold,
avg(ratings) avg_ratings,
count(distinct rcers.id) number_of_reseller_store_selling,
WHEN LOWER(brand_name) = LOWER(b.name) then true
ELSE false
END ss_present_in_Raena,
b.name raena_brand_name,
select *
from raena_spider_management.rce_brand
) rceb
left join
select *
from raena_spider_management.rce_product
) rcep on rcep.rce_brand_id = rceb.id and rceb.rce_source_id= rcep.rce_source_id
left join
select A.name , count(distinct B.sku) number_of_products_in_raena
from raena_catalog_management.brand A
left join raena_catalog_management.product B on A.id = B.brand_id
group by 1
) b on LOWER(b.name) = LOWER(rceb.brand_name)
left join
select *
from raena_spider_management.rce_reseller_store
) rcers on rcers.id = rcep.rce_store_id
where product_sold_total is not null and brand_name is not null and brand_name != ''
group by brand_name, brand_page_url,rceb.rce_source_id,CASE
WHEN LOWER(brand_name) = LOWER(b.name) then true
ELSE false
order by sum(product_sold_total) desc;
drop table if exists raena_analytics.inventory_snapshot_dashboard_table ;
create table raena_analytics.inventory_snapshot_dashboard_table
SELECT snp_date, sku_code,/*case WHEN warehouse_code='WH-CGK45' THEN 'Cikarang'
WHEN warehouse_code='WH-SRG18' THEN 'Semarang'
WHEN warehouse_code='WH-SUB51' THEN 'Surabaya'
WHEN warehouse_code='WH-UPG04' THEN 'Makassar'
WHEN warehouse_code='WH-MES07' THEN 'Medan'
WHEN warehouse_code='WH-AAP02' THEN 'Samarinda' end*/
warehouse_code warehouse , min(inventory) inventory_remaining
FROM raena_analytics.inventory_snapshot
GROUP BY 1,2,3
ORDER BY 1,2,3;